söndag 19 augusti 2012

I love U, I hope u know that!

I love my family so much, I can't live without them, but now I have a hard time and I don't know what I'm spouse to do...

I wich you could understand, but you don't.
I wich you could try to understand, but you don't.
I wich you could accept who I'm, but you don't.
I feel that you don't, your worlds to me says that you don't, I'm sorry but we are to different to understand each other.
I really wich that you could accept me for who I am, I need that but even if you like to, would you lie if you sad that you accept me as who i am. You maybe don't had think about that but I have.
I love all of you, I can't live without any one of you!
I understand now, and I guess that I must accept that you don't understand how I work and get battery from my friend instead even if they lives far far away!

But never forget that I love U, I never gonna leave you, I always gonna have u in my heart, you always gonna be a imported part in my life, I always stands behind you but it is hard to think that you understand me.

You don't like my stile, you never had,
You want that I should eat meat,
You don't understand why I want to go to friends who live so far away,
You don't think my life is much harder when I have epilepsy and Cp, you maybe understand that it's harder but not how much.
But i am giving up now,
I will not have your style,
I will not eat meat because you want to,
I am going to visit my friends so often I can and be happy!
And I don't know how I will explain when you don't want to listened.
I am sorry.
But the imported thing is that we love each other I guess and that we are behind each other when someone falls even if that is hard when we don't understand each other!

I don't mean that I never want to see you again, I only mean that you should know that I have a hard time right now!

I need a friend right now 
But even my 
Gothenburg's friends is far away right now!

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